
There are many ways you can help! Our main needs are: Monetary Donations and Eyeglass Donations. More information about these can be found below. Here are some things you should know about donating to Seeing is Believing:

  1. We are a 100% volunteer-based organization – all donations go directly towards our causes – eyeglasses, healthcare, etc.
  2. There are no paid staff at Seeing is Believing – so 100% of your donation goes towards our charitable purposes.
  3. Seeing is Believing is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization – as such, all donations are US Federal Tax deductible.

Monetary Donations

For just $5, you provide an eye screening and a pair of eyeglasses to a child in need. Over the last 6 years, we’ve provided nearly 20,000 pairs of eyeglasses thanks to donations from all over the world. Any amount makes a difference to the children you provide eyeglasses for. Give a pair today!

Donations can be made via the Causes and Campaigns page, or by clicking the PayPal button.

Contributions made via the Causes and Campaigns page go to the specific campaigns to which they are contributed.

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, donations to Seeing is Believing are US Federal Tax deductible.

Recycled Glasses Donation

Got glasses? We can put them to great use! Old, new, unknown prescription? It doesn’t matter!

Using a lensometer, we can determine the strength of a prescription pair of glasses. Each pair is cleaned and refurbished. Then, we work with local organizations to match them to someone with a similar prescription.

Don’t let your old glasses collect dust! They can be mailed to us at:

Seeing is Believing
2025 E 17th St.

Idaho Falls, ID 83404

Recycled glasses can be mailed via any mailing service.

We encourage a $1 donation included with glasses mailed to us for the cost of cleaning and refurbishing.

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